Ghettopoly is a Monopoly parody released in 2003. Invented by David Chang, it uses Monopoly-like mechanics in the atmosphere of a caricaturized American ghetto. The four railroad properties are replaced by liquor stores. Other properties include a massage parlour, a peep show and a pawn shop. The Community Chest and Chance squares become Ghetto Stash and Hustle squares, while taxation squares are replaced by police shakedown and carjacking squares. Instead of building houses and hotels, property owners can build crack houses and projects. The seven game pieces are: Pimp, Hoe, 40 oz, Machine Gun, Marijuana Leaf, Basket Ball and Crack.
Buying stolen properties, building crack houses and projects, paying protection fees and getting car jacked are some of the elements of the game. Not dope enough?... If you don't have the money that you owe to the loan shark you might just land yourself in da Emergency Room. |